Pros and Cons of Owning a Bass Boat

One of the most common types of boats owned by recreational boaters in non-coastal areas are bass boats. These boats have gained popularity in the last few decades due to the exponentially growing market of bass fishing in North America and abroad. This popularity is in large part due to the prevalence of high-dollar bass …

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How Much Is Bass Boat Insurance? (Real Quotes)

The cost of bass boat insurance can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the size and value of the boat, the location where it is used and stored, and the level of coverage desired. Other factors that can impact the cost of insurance include the boater’s experience and safety record, as well …

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Wakeboard Boat Insurance Cost (With Real Quotes)

The cost of wakeboard/wakesurf boat insurance can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the size and value of the boat, the location where it is used and stored, and the level of coverage desired. Other factors that can impact the cost of insurance include the boater’s experience and safety record, as well …

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How Much Is Pontoon Boat Insurance? (Real Quotes)

The cost of pontoon boat insurance can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the size and value of the boat, the location where it is used and stored, and the level of coverage desired. Other factors that can impact the cost of insurance include the boater’s experience and safety record, as well …

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How Long Does It Take To Get A Boating License?

The time it takes to get a boating license can vary depending on the state or province and the type of boating education program you chose. However, it’s important to note that some states don’t even require you to get a boating license (click here if you’re unsure). On average, it will take 3-5 hours …

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How To Get A Boating License (Essential Guide)

Boating is a great way to spend time outdoors and explore the world around you. But before you can do that, many US states and Canada require you to pass a boating education course and receive a boating license (especially if you’re under the age of 16). In this article, I will describe what a …

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How Much Is A Pontoon Boat? (Updated For 2025)

The price of a pontoon boat depends on many factors. So determining an exact price will vary depending on exactly what you want. However, I’ve used countless examples in this article to give you the most accurate estimate. So, how much does a pontoon boat cost? This graph shows the average cost of luxury and …

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How Much Is A Bass Boat? (Updated For 2025)

The price of a bass boat depends on many factors. So determining an exact price will vary depending on exactly what you want. However, I’ve used countless examples in this article to give you the most accurate estimate. So, how much does a bass boat cost? Fiberglass bass boats are more expensive than aluminum bass …

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How Long Can A Boat Stay In Saltwater?

Water can be very harmful to boats if they are left in it for too long without proper precautions. Although saltwater is much more corrosive than freshwater, both can cause damage to your boat. You should not let your boat sit still in salt water for any more than 7-10 days (especially in high-fouling areas). …

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Wet vs. Dry Boat Storage: Which Is Best For You?

Both wet storage (also known as in-water storage) and dry storage have their pros and cons, so choosing the right one is up to you. Wet storage is when you store your boat in the water, generally at a marina, dock slip, or mooring. Dry storage is when you store your boat on land, generally …

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